Best Small Business Firewall: A look at the top contenders for best SMB firewalls

Best Small Business Firewall, a coveted title that manufacturers are gunning to claim and users are clamoring to find the answer to. Understandably, we all want to make sure we’re getting the best of the best when it comes time to whip out the corporate card. However, this question is not as black-and-white as it is appears. Many factors play into determining the quality of a firewall and, when it comes to small businesses especially, the answer is often more dependent on the needs of the business than the hard specs of the appliance. Recently we posted a handy guide to help you choose the best small business firewall, but searchers want more specific answers.

If you came here looking for the be-all, end-all answer, the cyber security mic drop, or even a top 10 list, you won’t find it here. And chances are, if you find it somewhere else, they’re just trying to sell you something.

“Wait, isn’t trying to sell me something?”


Peace of mind.

But no, seriously, we have some insight to share here.

So in the interest of conflict of interest, today’s post will showcase three of the best-selling and most sought-after small business firewalls. Is any one of them the best small business firewall? Hard to say. But we can guarantee that these three appliances are popular, get great reviews, and are repeatedly merited as the most cost-effective, comprehensive solutions to common network security issues.

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sonicwall tz400 firewall is great smb small business firewall with secure remote access and vpn tunnels

SonicWall TZ400

Greatest Strength: The TZ400 is a great option for small to medium-sized businesses that require secure remote access between multiple offices. Site-to-site VPN tunnels can accommodate 20 users per connection and perform well with Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS), SSL, and SonicWall’s patented Reassembly-Free Deep Packet Inspection (RFDPI).

Perfect For: The small business that needs to operate at higher-than-average speeds, especially over long distances.

Recommended Users: 25-35 Users

Maximum Throughput: 1.3 Gbps

Form Factor: Desktop

Price: Appliance-Only MSRP: $945.00; price: $709.00 

Learn more about the SonicWall TZ400

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sophos xg 105 firewall provides throughput that outweighs its cost

Sophos XG105

Greatest Strength: Looking for on-box reporting and high speeds? The price-to-performance ratio for this XG105 is astounding. Able to accommodate up to 20 users and reach speeds of 3 Gigabytes per second, the XG105 also delights with its modest price point.

Perfect For: Businesses looking to expand a network to match their growing performance needs. The XG105 is an extremely cost-effective way to turn your average office into a robust, high-speed network.

Recommended Users: 10-20 Users

Maximum Throughput: 3 Gbps

Price: Appliance-Only MSRP: $440.00; price: $396.00

Learn more about the Sophos XG105

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watchguard firebox t50 with dimension is great for cyber security reporting tools and ease of use

WatchGuard T50

Greatest Strength: The WatchGuard T-series is easy to use for beginners but has the depth of reporting that veteran sys admins crave. WatchGuard excels at visualizing data and makes actively monitoring your network a breeze. WatchGuard Dimension is out here winning awards as a reporting tool!

Perfect For: System administrators and network architects that like to take a hands-on approach to cyber security. We don’t get to say this in the info sec industry often, but you’ll have a lot of fun with this hardware.

Recommended Users: 10 – 25 Users

Maximum Throughput: 1.2 Gpbs

Form Factor: Rack Mount

Price: Appliance-Only MSRP: $2,000.00, price: $1,520.00

Learn more about the WatchGuard T50

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So, what is the best small business firewall? The debate rages on.

What is the best firewall for your small business? That answer is a bit easier to parse out. can work with you to ensure that you choose the best appliance to fit the unique needs and demands of your small business. You worked your fingers to the bone building an organization, a brand, and a network that is solely, undeniably yours. You deserve a solution that is solely, undeniably yours.