A SSL VPN, or secure sockets layer virtual private network, ensures encrypted access to an organization’s network. This includes any associated applications or internal directories without needing specialized software for access.
SSL VPNs help to simplify complex IPsec frameworks. They provide secure access through web portals or SSL-secured tunnels. You’ll also find they’re cross-compatible with various devices and platforms due to their use of standard web technologies.
It’s a scalable and adaptable technology that allows businesses and IT departments to navigate the day-to-day more securely and efficiently. In this article, you’ll get a comprehensive yet brief overview that answers the question, what is a SSL VPN?
What is SSL VPN?
Aside from secure and encrypted remote access, an SSL VPN setup is more than necessary for modern enterprises of all kinds. They automatically update encryption protocols through browser updates, and it ensures every team member is working with the latest security updates.
Other notable aspects of SSL VPNs include the following:
- Scalable and flexible solutions for in-house and remote team members
- Easily access different devices and operating systems on the same web technologies and network
- Helps to keep team members connected and on the same page in a secure environment
- Provides IT with full granular control over data access
- Enhanced security thanks to application and service-level permissions
- No client software is needed to run, maintain, or update SSL VPNs
The terminology can seem complex, but the integration of SSL VPNs is only becoming more commonplace as time goes on. Of course, there are varying types available, as not all SSL VPNs come with a one-size-fits-all approach.
Types of SSL VPNs
There isn’t much variance you have to worry about, as there are two main types: SSL portal and SSL tunnel. Both types of SSL VPNs work off the TLS protocol, which guarantees secure access as well as authentication. Nevertheless, it’s important to understand each SSL type’s unique differences.
SSL Portal VPNs
Login credentials for this type of SSL VPN are entered on a web browser and grant access to specific network services or applications. This must be defined by the organization, and it provides secure access through a single SSL connection.
It’s a suitable option for limited access to web-based services. For many enterprises, this is more than enough to keep team members secure while giving them access to the essentials. The ease of use and control of SSL portal VPNs make them a common choice in modern business.
SSL Tunnel VPNs
This type of SSL VPN takes a broader approach regarding security and access. They offer secure access to more than one network service, and this includes non-web-based options as well. All are handled through an SSL tunnel, and this type of VPN is great for accessing proprietary networks that can’t be freely accessed online.
You’ll find they require additional browser applications or plugins, but this isn’t a deal breaker by any means. Users get the benefit of a broader range of network services but can be more technical for the everyday individual. In some cases, IT teams may need to assist team members with specific downloads or installations.
Final Thoughts
The conversation around SSL VPNs can get a lot more technical, but the information in this article provides a summarized take. It isn’t as complicated as it sounds, and it’s a security integration that can greatly benefit businesses of all kinds.
If you’re looking to keep your employees and proprietary information secure, looking into SSL VPNs wouldn’t hurt. Make sure to reach out to us at Firewalls.com for more information on various solutions, such as Watchguard SSL VPN or SonicWall SSL VPN licenses, as well as many other options.