Fortinet FortiDDoS-1000B-DC 1 Year Domain Reputation Service - FC-10-01K02-191-02-12

  • Enables access control lists to drop queries to malicious sites
  • Prevents reflection attacks
  • Supported exclusively on FortiDDoS devices with advanced DNS features
  • Always up-to-date with daily downloads from FortiGuard Labs
  • Service Length: 1 Year License
  • Manufacturer Part #: FC-10-01K02-191-02-12

NOTICE: Fortinet License & Renewal products may only be activated in the United States of America.

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Protect Your DNS Servers

DNS servers are a favorite tool of attackers for DDoS strikes. Most large-scale DDoS events are innocently assisted by DNS servers as they amplify traffic by repeating and increasing the size of packets sent to DDoS attack targets.

The FortiGuard Domain Reputation Service provides a regularly updated list of known malicious fully qualified domain names (FQDNs). This service is used to prevent DNS servers from reaching known malicious sites and helps prevent attacks that obfuscate source IPs using hijacked domain names.

The Domain Reputation Service is available for the FortiDDoS DDoS Attack Mitigation solution.

FortiGuard Domain Reputation Service:

  • Enables access control lists to drop queries to malicious sites
  • Prevents reflection attacks by dropping responses or diversions to infected domains
  • Supported exclusively on FortiDDoS devices with advanced DNS features
  • Always up-to-date with daily downloads from FortiGuard Labs
More Information
Product NameFortinet FortiDDoS-1000B-DC 1 Year Domain Reputation Service
Service Length1 Year License