Fortinet FortiGate-80F 1 Year Enterprise Protection - FC-10-0080F-809-02-12
- Delivers all FortiGuard Security Services Available for the FortiGate including antivirus, web & email protection
- CASB, Industrial Security, & Security Rating
- FortiSandbox Cloud Service
- FortiCare technical support & advanced hardware replacement 24x7x365
- Manufacturer Part #: FC-10-0080F-809-02-12
NOTICE: Fortinet License & Renewal products can only be activated in the United States of America.
Emailed Tomorrow Morning
$1,144.44Optimize your protection capabilities with greater flexibility & savings
Cyber threats & cybercrime are on the rise. The sheer volume, velocity & sophistication of threats are constantly increasing. Criminals are exploiting the complexity of your expanding networks to infect, steal data, & hold systems for ransom. Extensive research & knowledge of the threat landscape, combined with the ability to respond quickly at multiple levels, is imperative for providing effective security. FortiGuards award-winning security services are designed to optimize performance & maximize protection across Fortinets security platforms.
FortiGuard services bundles are specifically designed to address todays evolving threat landscape. They provide a package of the tools you need for protection against known threats & unknown threats, provide breach protection, & address the challenges of Operational Technology (OT), risk, compliance & management concerns.
FortiGuard 24x7 Enterprise Bundle
The FortiGuard 24x7 Enterprise (ENT) Protection bundle is designed to address todays advanced threat landscape. The Enterprise Bundle consolidates the comprehensive protection needed to protect & defend against all cyberattack channels from the endpoint to the cloud. Including the technologies needed to address todays challenging OT, compliance, & management concerns. The Enterprise Bundle offers the most comprehensive protection overall. The Enterprise Bundle includes:
- NGFW Application Control
- Antivirus
- Botnet
- IP/Domain Reputation
- Mobile Security
- Web Filtering
- Antispam
- FortiSandbox Cloud
- Virus Outbreak Protection
- Content Disarm & Reconstruction
- Security Rating
- Industrial Security Service
- 24x7x365 FortiCare Support Services
Our Enterprise bundle now includes
- CASB - providing visibility, compliance, data security & threat protection for your cloud-based services.
- Industrial Security Service protection “ SCADA (supervisory control & data acquisition) & ICS (industrial control systems). These signatures address attacks against critical infrastructure & manufacturing industries, where we are seeing frequent & sophisticated cyberattacks.
- Security Rating Service - this service performs checks against your fabric-enabled network & provides scoring & recommendations to your operation teams. The subsequent scorecard can be used to gauge adherence to various internal & external organizational polices, standards, & regulations requirements, including providing a ranking of your firm against industry peers.
The FortiGuard Advantage
- FortiGuard processes over 69 million websites every hour, providing up-to-the-minute reputation & categorization.
- Prevent malicious downloads & browser hijacking attacks with top-rated web filtering (VBWeb Verified)
- Improved email productivity through superior spam prevention validated with 3rd party independent testing (VBSpam + Verified)